Rafiki Classical Academy
A Classical Christian School
What is classical Christian education?
It is the fastest growing educational movement in America.
It was the education of some of the greatest minds in the last 3,000 years.
It is an education that inspires depth and wisdom.
Classical Christian education (CCE) is a time-tested educational system which establishes a biblical worldview (called Paideia), incorporates methods based on natural phases of child development, cultivates the seven Christian virtues, trains students in reasoning through the Trivium (Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric), and engages children in “the great conversation” through the historical Great Books.
Classical Christian Education Defined
Classical Christian Education (CCE) is education as it was practiced prior to the progressive movement early in the 20th century when the focus switched to job training. Instead, CCE sharpens students’ reasoning, language, and rhetorical skills with a Christian vision for all truth and knowledge. Classical education was created by the Greeks to train citizens to self-govern and live in freedom. Later, it was Christianized to become “Classical Christian.” In the medieval era, “scholastics” refined the form into what inspires classical Christian education today. Rather than emphasizing “subjects,” it emphasizes seven “liberal arts,” which liberate the mind to be less subject to controlling influences. The goal is to cultivate wisdom in light of Christ’s creation and kingdom.
How do students fare on standardized tests?
Students in classical Christian schools typically score in the top 10-15 percent on national tests like the Stanford Achievement Test and Scholastic Aptitude Test. Classical schools often graduate a significant proportion of National Merit Scholars (determined by PSAT scores) and students with extremely competitive SAT scores (in the top 5 percent). Classically educated students have no trouble getting into good colleges and many qualify for highly selective colleges and universities and a good number receive merit scholarships or other scholarships. (An introduction to Classical Education, A Guide for Parents, Perrin, C.A., MDiv, PhD, p 34, 2004)
How do CCE graduates compare to other graduates?
The Results
A 2018-19 comparative study of 24–42-year-old alumni from public, secular private, Catholic, evangelical Christian, religious homeschool, and ACCS (classical Christian) schools, on topics of life-choices, preparation, attitudes, values, opinions, and practices.
In all of these categories, students in classical Christian schools ranked better than their peers in any of the school options above.
This research seems to confirm what history has repeatedly demonstrated—classical Christian education can influence the course of a home, a community, or a nation.
Read more about the studies findings here: Good Soil - The Classical Difference
Rafiki Classical Academy is a member school of the Association of Classical Christian Schools.